Monday, April 1, 2019

Week 10 part 1&2

Part 1:
Adding personal relations in blog post makes consumers, customers, or even the audience feel more connected. For example similar to a comic book people will relate more to Spiderman, a kid with actual struggles that are similar to what we deal with unlike superman who we can never relate on a personal level. If people are able to see the human connection level they feel empathic for them as they deal with a struggle, or hear about the success. For a business adding the personal level makes your customers feel connected to the brand, but in certain times you would decide not to use person connections would be talking about very factual information about products, or if there is a default in the factory.

Part 2:
Arianna Feliz
Michele Cortes
Lynne Stewart

I would probably use categories like real estate to focus on my b2b business format target marketing to receive those type of clients. This could help me grow by having more real estate agents seeing past work I have produced for other clients and just word of mouth for having high quality work received for my clients as well.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Matthew,
    My apologies for commenting on the incorrect portion of the blog post! I deleted that comment. :)
    I agree about human connections and need to make content relatable. It is important for each visitor to feel visible and make adjustments to the personal touch as needed.

  3. Personal connections are great when owning your own business because if have a positive connection your customers will keep coming back and share their experience with others.
